Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hi Loves!

Is it just me or does it seem that when ever the sun is hidden by the clouds my energy level is negative one! 

So what do you do when you feel like sitting and being a couch potato is better than getting up...or if it is not your day off and you go into work how do you shake off this constant sluggish being annoyed at everything type of mood? 

Well I have some tips! =) 

1) GET UP! 
2) Put on some music while you get ready! 
Here is a tune that will get you pumped up...
and if Britney doesn't it get you moving then I don't know who will! 

3) make your self a shake! fruits? Veggies? Throw them in a blender and wam bam thank you mam you have your self a healthy and energy boost drink! 

5) have some spare time? Hit the gym! Don't? Do some at home exercises! Warm weather is around the corner ladies you know what that means (bikini season) so do those extra squats or sit ups no pain no gain! 

4) take a shower! Once that water hits way you can go back to being a couch potato!

5) get dolled up! Who says you have to go somewhere or go on a date to get dolled up! Heck no! I get dolled up for myself! It makes me feel better! 

Hope you liked my tops dolls! 


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