Monday, June 17, 2013

Scrub a dub dub! DIY Face scrub (Travel Friendly)

Hi My Beauties!

While traveling you have a million things to pack and well I don't know about you but I always seem to forget packing something that usually is a beauty product...and most of the time it is my face scrub! Why?!! Possibly because I pack for my husband and I now...and I loose track of what I need to pack!

So what do you do when you have been sitting in the sun your skin feels dry and you need a pick me up??!! Other than drinking tons of water! SUGAR PACKETS!!! Yes i said it! Sugar Packets to the rescue!
 Like all "Natural scrubs" sugar is used! 
So if your left with no facial scrub here is a quick how to! 

Travel Easy Face Scrub

7-10 Sugar Packets (Preferably Brown Sugar (White sugar is ok)
Pineapple Juice (Orange Juice can be your substitute) 
Vegetable Oil (Just a tad) 
Popsicle Stick (not needed, unless you want to get fancy ;)

How To:

So start by opening all the sugar packets and emptying them in a bowl, then add just enough oil to create a thick paste (really not much though) add little by little till you notice it is thick enough! Add a splash of pineapple juice (or Orange) and mix well. Then it is time!! Get your Popsicle stick to scoop out your home aid scrub. Work the scrub onto damp skin in a circular motion, then rinse! SHAZAM! You can create this anytime and the sugar and vitamin C is great for exfoliation, while the oil will provide you with some amazing hydration!



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