Monday, June 17, 2013

Hair Mask DIY!

Hi Dolls,

Ok so are you as envious as me when it comes to celebrities hair like Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Sophia Vergara just to name a few??!!

Well I was doing my research and found how to get the shine and silkiness is very important to me. Especially because I have very dry curly hair, and it is so easy to get breakage because I straighten my hair as well as use products. So when damaging my hair I need something to give my hair a pick me up so that I can stop the breakage as well as prevent breakage.

Your probably thinking get to the point Nadine!!!

Ok ok well here is the how to!

What you will need:
                                               Deep Conditioning Hair Mask
                                               Smoothing Hair Serum

For this, I would reccomend using the Kerastase Masque Force Architecte and the Redken Argan 6 oil. You can use whatever products you feel would work best for you but I feel like these two work really well together.

                                                            How To Use:
 First take a handful of the hair mask and pour about 2-3 spoons of the serum into the mix, then mix together in your hands! Smooth onto hair starting from the ends and stop right before you come to your roots. Then let sit for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Style as usual.

 Keratase Masque Force Architect 
You can purchase here >Keratase Masque Force Architect

Redken Argan 6 
You can purchase here >Redken Argan 6



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