Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi dolls! 

So I arrived in California 2 days ago and have been enjoying every moment with my family. It was also my brothers engagement so it has been crazy hectic but so amazing at the same time.

Today is my birthday and I'm taking everything in, I feel like I need to be pinched I have been married for 1 year and time is flying by so fast I can't even tell you! 

I hope you are having a great day! Look out for some amazing things to come on my blog! 
My mom is so cute she decorated my room! 

Xoxoxo- N 

Monday, June 24, 2013

West Coast Wonders

Hello Dolls!

Hope you all had a great day! 

Now when it comes to accessories I feel like I can never have enough...unlike my husband :p but if it is all organized it takes away from just how much I actually have! So I started looking for a cute fun way to organize some of my accessories.  

I was lucky enough to find a company called West Coast Wonders who have a variety of vintage pieces! So you have to act quick if you like something...because once it is sold that may be it because some are limited edition!

When I contacted the owner,  she was very sweet and answered all my questions clearly and in a timely manner.  I can't stress enough when it comes to customer service it is a deal breaker for me and the owner Elise was wonderful. Did I mention delivery was quick and not only was her packaging the cutest but secure to the product was safe from her destination to mine!!! 

Below is a pic of my hand holder I think it's absolutely adorable and different! The great thing about this is you can put rings bracelets, and it is something that can hold quite a bit! I had put rings that I recently had worn on there!

Front view

Back view

She not only makes these but they come in 3 colors Silver, (like mine above) Gold, and White. 

Would I purchase from her again? Yes Yes and Yes!!! 

She has silver trays perfect for placing  perfume on and having on your vanity! 

What about Chanel!! She also paints! Check out her store on etsy>

And her Instagram to always be up to date on what's new from Special 
Insta-Promos to exclusive sales you must follow here> @westcoastwonder101

Loves it! 

Xoxoxo- N

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my husband an I first anniversary! 

It has been a great year of adventures and growing not only as individuals but as one. 

If you have someone you love or like let them know how much you care about them because tomorrow is never certain.  

Have a great Sunday Funday! 

Xoxoxoxo- N 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Music Time

Hello Dolls! Here is my Music Favorite of the moment! 

Hope you Enjoy! 

It's technically Thursday which means it is almost TGIF!!! 



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fashion Loving

Hi dolls,

I love summer not only for the summer sun, pool, ice cream, and the good vibes flowing. I love it for the boho Styles seen from Celebs to the streets. Here are some of my Favorite!

Just the coolness to the looks, from the floral dresses, denim, ankle boots, hats, shorts, and maxis'. I love warmer clothing getting played up.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Hair Mask DIY!

Hi Dolls,

Ok so are you as envious as me when it comes to celebrities hair like Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Sophia Vergara just to name a few??!!

Well I was doing my research and found how to get the shine and silkiness is very important to me. Especially because I have very dry curly hair, and it is so easy to get breakage because I straighten my hair as well as use products. So when damaging my hair I need something to give my hair a pick me up so that I can stop the breakage as well as prevent breakage.

Your probably thinking get to the point Nadine!!!

Ok ok well here is the how to!

What you will need:
                                               Deep Conditioning Hair Mask
                                               Smoothing Hair Serum

For this, I would reccomend using the Kerastase Masque Force Architecte and the Redken Argan 6 oil. You can use whatever products you feel would work best for you but I feel like these two work really well together.

                                                            How To Use:
 First take a handful of the hair mask and pour about 2-3 spoons of the serum into the mix, then mix together in your hands! Smooth onto hair starting from the ends and stop right before you come to your roots. Then let sit for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Style as usual.

 Keratase Masque Force Architect 
You can purchase here >Keratase Masque Force Architect

Redken Argan 6 
You can purchase here >Redken Argan 6



Scrub a dub dub! DIY Face scrub (Travel Friendly)

Hi My Beauties!

While traveling you have a million things to pack and well I don't know about you but I always seem to forget packing something that usually is a beauty product...and most of the time it is my face scrub! Why?!! Possibly because I pack for my husband and I now...and I loose track of what I need to pack!

So what do you do when you have been sitting in the sun your skin feels dry and you need a pick me up??!! Other than drinking tons of water! SUGAR PACKETS!!! Yes i said it! Sugar Packets to the rescue!
 Like all "Natural scrubs" sugar is used! 
So if your left with no facial scrub here is a quick how to! 

Travel Easy Face Scrub

7-10 Sugar Packets (Preferably Brown Sugar (White sugar is ok)
Pineapple Juice (Orange Juice can be your substitute) 
Vegetable Oil (Just a tad) 
Popsicle Stick (not needed, unless you want to get fancy ;)

How To:

So start by opening all the sugar packets and emptying them in a bowl, then add just enough oil to create a thick paste (really not much though) add little by little till you notice it is thick enough! Add a splash of pineapple juice (or Orange) and mix well. Then it is time!! Get your Popsicle stick to scoop out your home aid scrub. Work the scrub onto damp skin in a circular motion, then rinse! SHAZAM! You can create this anytime and the sugar and vitamin C is great for exfoliation, while the oil will provide you with some amazing hydration!



Saturday, June 15, 2013


Hi DOllS!!!

It is Sunday, but it is Summer time so no matter what you have going on enjoy your day to the fullest! 

Today I'm talking more than summer loving. When Mac announced they were collaborating with Rihanna it definitely struck a chord with people. This online exclusive collection was created by Rihanna herself. With cool coral and bronze combo for a powder blush combo in a gorgeous Hibiscus Kiss, and some retro lipsticks in RiRi Woo, RiRi Boy, and Heaux. who always seems to make her sheer shimmering skin a statement has made a higlight with rose gold Lustre drops in the color Barbados Girl. (She did a great job if I say so myself!)

This collection is available Online at MAC COSMETICS on JUNE 18, 2013...YES LADIES AND GENTS IN 2 days!!!!!! 

 ($26 USD/ $30 CAD)



              ($20 USD/ $24 CAD)

I feel like she did a great job to portray who she is through her makeup. I love RiRi and now I love Mac RiRi hearts Mac Summer Collection 2013 and I can't wait to get my hands on some of the products so I can review them for you guys!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Song of the day!






Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hello my gorgeous Readers!

So as you know if you read my older posts I was in Miami enjoying the fun in the sun with my husband and of course the pool and beach were something that we saw on a daily basis so before going to Miami I had to get my Tan on!

Now I'm not a patient person so tanning on a busy schedule is not something I can do (don't we all wish we could just lounge by the pool, while sipping on a Margarita on a daily basis?) Well I do!!!
Since I did not have time I discovered a tanning company called Million Dollar Tan. Let me start off my saying I'm usually a St. Tropez Junkie but had to give this a try and well I fell in LOVE!

This product gives me just the right amount of color and it is NOT ORANGE!!! YAY!
What I love most about this product more than the St. Tropez is it gives me more color and like I said I don't look like a Oompa Loompa.

Million Dollar Tan is now my favorite product to use, and I can say this is goes under my year round must have beauty product. There is no bad tanning product smell like you would expect in a normal tanning product, it has no smell what so ever. It also goes on clean because it is like a lotion, and is completely build-able and does not Stain your hands!

Now if you are like me and have tried tanning products you know that most leave ugly stains either on your clothes or your sheets! :/ Not Million Dollar Tan! 

It takes about 6 to 8 hours to show, so all you have to do is apply as you would a lotion evenly on your body wash your hands and palms after and continue your day regularly and BAM in 6 to 8 hours you are tan my friend! NO STREAKS NO STAINS NO NOTHING!!! How amazing! 
When I first read that your do not streak I thought to myself um no way is that possible but I tried it and well I did not streak, I'm thinking it is because the formula is a lotion so it spreads all over the skin evenly. What is also great about this product is you can use it on your face, and will not break you out or make your skin more oily! (HOORRAY) 

The product I used was the Cabana Tan- Sunless Tan

Cost- $20.00 USD (not including Shipping) 

Now I'm very Fair skin toned so if you are on the fairer side like me I would use the Cabana Tan-Cabana Tan which you can always build your tan. If you are olive skin toned or darker I would purchase the Cabana Tan Extreme-Cabana-Tan-Extreme--Dark-Sunless-Tanning-Lotion

Other than the Sunless Tanning Lotions they carry Sunless Tanning Sprays, Body Scrubs, as well as Combo Packs. 
Here is how to apply the product: Steps by Million Dollar Tan-

To Purchase> Million Dollar Tan

and for 20% off be sure to use code: nadine20



Hi My Loves!!!

Now ever since I was little I have had a major love for everything accessories, and it of course as I have grown older my love for accessories has been almost uncontrollable. So when I discovered a company called Little Miss Obsessive I had to get my hands on some of the products. The owner of the company is Lili Camaj, and let me start off by saying Is not only very talented, but very sweet. When you are ordering you are ordering straight from her, which is something that made ordering from her more special, because when you contact her to purchase you feel as if your talking to your best friend. Not only that but her collection is absolutely unique and gorgeous!!

She has also caught the eye of a lot of celebs, and has a list of names she has worked with, Nicki Minaj, Lili Ghalichi from the Shahs of Sunset, Adrienne Maloof from the House Wives of Beverly Hills, to Miss USA just to name a few.

 Rima Fakih (former Miss USA)

All her products are very well made. It is all in the name, you literally become obsessed with her accessories! Ill be posting more pics with the accessories that I have. 

To check out her Accessories FIND her on INSTAGRAM- @lmissobsessive 
If you want to contact her directly for information or orders contact her here-  Info@LittleMissObsessive.Com

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm back!!!

Hello my loves! 

So sorry I have been away! My hubby happened to steal me away and surprise me on a early anniversary trip and bday trip to Miami Florida! Let me start off my saying it was amazing and I have pics to post of our little adventure and stories! So I'm back and back on my game! I missed u all!!!! 
