Monday, August 5, 2013

Fun Water!

Hi Dolls,

You probably ready the title and were thinking...Um has Nadine lost her Marbles? Well thank you for your concern but I certainly have not lost my marbles!

I'm guilty of something and I need to admit it...I do not drink water as much as I should...ugh I know I know!!! Well if your like me then shame on us! Water is so important for not only our bodies but our hair and skin.

So why not make water fun? Rhetorical question!! WE CAN, and WE WILL!


  • Ice Tray
  • Lemon (Cut into slices, then halves)
  • Mint Leaves
  • and of course WATER!!


1) Place mint leaves at the very bottom of the tray (1 in each) 

2) Cut your lemons into slices and then into halves so that they fit into the little ice cube shape (depending on the size of the lemon you may need to cut the slices into quarter, or even get creative and do shapes)

3) Fill the tray with water slowly, and try not to fill it to the very top

4) Place in freezer and leave overnight

5) Serve in any glass and enjoy!

This is a great way to make water a little less boring! You can even try different fruits and get really creative! 


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